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Sleep Dose

Collezione di musica obliqua - astratta e misteriosa, fluttuante tra paesaggi sonori / psicogeografie / epoche future e passate / stati onirici tempestosi

Mercoledì 22:00 trending_flat 00:00

Mercoledì 24 aprile
“S’alzano i roghi al cielo, s’alzano in cupe vampe. Di colpo si fa notte e si incunea crudo il freddo”.
Lo strofinio di tre rami nel vento, ed il bosco si incendia. Poi vennero le enormi fornaci, con ciminiere a dominare l’orizzonte. Rossi bagliori accendono l’ambiente circostante.
Siamo nel regime del fuoco. A lui ci sottomettiamo quotidianamente da tempo sterminato. Nell’illusione di un suo controllo ci siamo fatti addomesticare, mentre lui continua ad avanzare, divorante.
Mercoledì 24 aprile, dalle 22,00 su, Sleep Dose #85 (Un fuoco che cammina), con spunti di riflessione dal saggio di Johan Goudsblom, Fire and civilization, 1992.

Con: Sanjib (Campfire Hypnosis, 2021), Biosphere (Ancient Campfire, 2002), Evan Caminiti (Weaving The Great Smoke Loom, 2009), Jon Hassel (Paris I, 1992), (Brussels, 1992), Bohren and Der Club Of Gore (Im Rauch, 2014), Chris Watson (Forest Fire, 1998), Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch (Fire Walk With Me, 2011), Étant Donneés (Royaume, 1991), Steven Stapleton and David Tibet (The Fire Of The Mind, 1998), The Fires Of Ork (Nouvelles Machines, 2000), David Lynch and Dean Hurley (Grey, 2007), Chris Watson (Contacts, 1998), Bruno Nicolai (Le Streghe, 1970), Les Joyaux De La Princesse (Croix De Bois – Croix De Feu, 2000), Ghislain Poirier (Les Pyromanes N’Étaignent Pas Les Feux, 2003), Johannes Simon De Haspre (Puisque Je Suis Fumeux, Plains De Fumee, 2004), Sackville (Alarm Fire, 2002), Celeste (Au Feu Le Savoir, 2007)

Sleepdose puntata 84

Sleep Dose, a collection of oblique, abstract and mysterious music curated by NigNigNig, fluctuating between soundscapes, psychogeographies, future and past eras and stormy dream states.

Starting from an archive of over fifty thousand tracks, the selection of tracks, determined by a prior use of tags, follows a random pattern. The result is a playlist arbitrarily limited to a maximum of 23 tracks; each playlist is then randomly mixed and reprocessed through the use of effects.

The sequence of song titles creates involuntary forms of automatic poetry, offering moments of unpredictable lyricism and narrative coherence… as well as the flow of our personal dream world, not only during sleep.

Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard.

Sleep Dose
selected & mixed by NigNigNig

Sleep Dose squadra

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Nig Nig Nig

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