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Sleep Dose

Collezione di musica obliqua - astratta e misteriosa, fluttuante tra paesaggi sonori / psicogeografie / epoche future e passate / stati onirici tempestosi

Mercoledì 22:00 trending_flat 00:00

Mentre la collina di Hollywood si rivelava infiammabile come la celluloide che da un secolo l’arricchisce con smisurata linfa, nella densa cortina di fumo si spegneva, in uno sbuffo azzurrino, una delle ultime luci del Cinema; quel riflesso immaginifico dell’interiorità, che proietta i propri fantasmi come graffi sullo schermo bianco.

Mercoledì 22 gennaio, Sleep Dose #114 (Le Nuvole Di Fumo Di Una Sigaretta)

Con: Jorge Luis Borges (Sicomoro), The Caretaker (Place In The World Fades Away), Memotone (Empty Platform), Chrystabell & David Lynch (Dance Of Light), Bohren & Der Club Of Gore (Maximum Black), I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness (Today), Tim Hecker (Spring Heeled Jack Flies Tonight), Christoph Heeman (Lazy Moon II), editH10Sdat (And Then He Left Us To Meet The Moon), Coil (Everything Keeps Dissolving), Absurd Cosmos Late Nite (Misty Night Time), Reinier Van Houdt (Friction Sleep Maze – 22 April 2020), Memotone (Hypnagogia), Orphax (Somniātōrēs), Chrystabell & David Lynch (So Much Love)

Brani tratti da Il libro degli esseri immaginari di Jorge Luis Borges

Sleepdose Puntata 114


Sleep Dose, a collection of oblique, abstract and mysterious music curated by NigNigNig, fluctuating between soundscapes, psychogeographies, future and past eras and stormy dream states.

Starting from an archive of over fifty thousand tracks, the selection of tracks, determined by a prior use of tags, follows a random pattern. The result is a playlist arbitrarily limited to a maximum of 23 tracks; each playlist is then randomly mixed and reprocessed through the use of effects.

The sequence of song titles creates involuntary forms of automatic poetry, offering moments of unpredictable lyricism and narrative coherence… as well as the flow of our personal dream world, not only during sleep.

Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard.

Sleep Dose
selected & mixed by NigNigNig

Sleep Dose squadra

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Nig Nig Nig

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